Einstein article
I came across an interesting article on Albert Einstein. It talks about his upbringing, and his views on religion and science.
I came across an interesting article on Albert Einstein. It talks about his upbringing, and his views on religion and science.
This month, I learned a couple words randomly. One during conversation, and the other through general reading.
First one: pag-asa (tagalog)
This word came about in a conversation I had with a wise man. He told me that it meant, “your dream, or to make your dream real.” When I looked it up, it said hope. Dictionaries are cool, but sometimes I like people’s own definitions of them, and the stories they associate with it. I recently wrote his life story.
Second one: satori (japanese)
I came across this word while reading something on the web. It means enlightenment, and seeing into one’s true nature, essence. I like how there’s 2 definitions in 1. I looked it up and found this:
I dig both of these words and will try to remember them.
My first time riding in a helicopter. Was able to get an overhead view of Big Island, and stare down Kilauea.
Artists and artwork from Pow! Wow! 2020 in Honolulu. These were some favorites.
For more information about the event, visit Pow! Wow! Worldwide